TAT_18-2000 Honda XR50R-Zoe Tom-N/A-Zoe’s first ride. It is just two WRECKS!!!


Gravity was not Zoe’s friend on her first ride! Wrecks!

I picked up a 2000 Honda XR50R for Zoe at a great price. I took some time to replace ALL worn parts and make it new again. We have been going over all of the controls for over a month. She sat on it and practiced while I pushed her. We even took bluebonnet pictures with the motorcycle without her ever riding it. She understood that accidents will happen and was aware of this from the start.

We went out and of course, I learned as much as she did! I was more excited than she was and forgot to bring ANY tools. I wish that I had them as I didn’t set the throttle speed limiter.

She had two accidents. She got up and was ready to get back on after the first wreck but not after the second. She said that she was done for the day and I wasn’t about to push her to do more. We went home and talked about it forever.

Her second ride went flawlessly and now I can’t get her off of it! I will post a video of that too! We are both learning tons!


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Channel Introduction (always updated description and links) – http://goo.gl/kB24IK
